Service Member's Corner

September 2023 Update


Hello Cathay Post #186 (CP186) Members, 

As we closed out our fiscal year's events, we celebrated many memorable moments.   Here are a few highlights from the year: 

* Monthly potluck meetings at the Nisei Vet Hall including great speakers, awesome food and sweet fellowship with aunties (widows of former original members) and current CP members and spouses

* Awarded 2 scholarships to grandchildren of 2 original CP186 members

* Annual Cathay Post Memorial Day Ceremony at Hing Hay Park followed by dinner at Tai Tung with guest speaker, Andrea Chin, Municipal Court Judge.

* Nisei Vet Memorial Day Ceremony at Lakeview Cemetery

* Annual Chinatown-ID Seafair Parade including a vintage military jeep, a motorcycle contingency lead by Gerald and Hayley Chang and post parade dinner with CACA members at Honey Court Seafood.

* The Commander proudly represented our post during the national anthem,  sung by Yolanda Ji (10 yo), at the Seattle Kraken game during the Lunar New Year.

* The Commander stood on the 3rd base line with American Legion District 1 Commander, Debra Wood, and other post commanders at a Seattle Mariners game for Military Appreciation Day in April

* Spring Cleanup day for the C-ID including 6 representatives of CP186

* Lakeview Cemetery - Ching Ming (Chinese Memorial) event identifying and documenting veteran grave markers lead by Sea Chan.

* Service Project headed up by Kent Wong and implemented along with a friend of the post: adding indoor and outdoor safety rails at CP Member, Warren Yee's home, to assist his mother

* Co-sponsored the first AAPI Hometown Hero Celebration Lunch at Terry's Kitchen with CACA in Sept 2022.

* Set up a new CP186 website, spearheaded by Webmaster, Gerald Chang, who continually updates content including photos, newsletters and the donation site.

* Planning for the first ever CP186 online fundraising auction, slated for Nov 1 through November 11, 2023, utilizing Auctria.  (Please continue to procure donations for this special fundraising event)

* Sponsored American Legion Oratorical Contestant, Emma Lo, who placed First in WA state (Moses Lake) and Fourth in the Nation Oratorical Contest (Indianapolis).  She also presented her scholarship winning speech at the June members meeting.

On September 9, we look forward to installing recently elected executive members who will provide new ideas and vision for the future of the post. 

We also welcome the newly elected Cathay Post #186 Foundation President, Larry Luke.

I am so grateful for each member rallying around the American Legion motto, Veterans Strengthening America

How we care for one other shows how we are truly like a family.

For God and country.


Haydon Mar, Commander

Cathay Post #186

There will NOT be a September meeting due to our Installation Banquet.  However, the next general membership meeting will take place on October 25, 2023 at the NVC Memorial Hall.  

It should be a very interesting briefing.  Please invite your friends to join us. 

If you have any agenda items for consideration, please contact Post Commander, Haydon Mar a week prior to the meeting.   Thank you. 

Cathay Post #186 will host an online fundraising auction from 1-11 November 2023 and your support is needed.

Each year, Cathay Post #186 invests our resources to help our youth and our community. Since our founding, we have contributed nearly $100,000 to our scholarship program alone. We have and continue to support many other charities and community programs.

We are asking you to help us continue our important mission with a tax-deductible* donation for our very first “online” auction.

Please consider donation of items such as:

For monetary donations, you can also designate your gift "In Memory of" a loved one.  We are very grateful for the donations received so far.  See the list of current donations below.


Cathay Post Officers Installation Banquet    

Saturday, September 9, 2023.  5:00 pm

Harbor City Restaurant  

707 S. King Street, Seattle WA  

Please RSVP to Commander Haydon Mar no later than Monday, 4 September 2023. 

During our recent meeting on 23 August 2023, we spent the majority of the time discussing and strategizing for our November on-line auction fundraiser.  Sea Chan promoted the "Zombie Run" and the blood drive that he is planning and providing opportunities for volunteers to serve.  See below if you would like to volunteer.  

We hope to see all of you at our October meeting. 

Veterans Helping Veterans

Free "handyman" help for Cathay Post veterans and widows of former members on minor home repairs. 
If you have any minor home repairs needs, please contact us for a free assessment.

We are NOT licensed, bonded or insured experts.  But we are willing to assist with minor installation of home safety devises such as hand rails, grab bars, change high ceiling light bulbs etc.

Pictured above is a recent project installing exterior handrails for U.S. Army veteran Warren Yee. 

Please email Adjutant Kent Wong if you have a potential project for our team.  Thanks.    


Veterans Helping Veterans! 

A Cathay Post #186 POW Story...

David "Gobby" Woo was the Founder of Cathay Post #186. The idea came to him while he was held captive in Stalag 17B. Gobby said, if he survived the war, he would form a local group for veterans back in Seattle. That's how Cathay Post #186 started.

Gobby was in the U.S. Army Air Corps and served as a ball turret gunner on B-24D (41-23783) "Betty Anne." His aircraft was shot down on 15 February 1943. Of the 11 crew members on board, 7 were killed and 4 were captured as prisoners of war (POW). Gobby was a POW for 27 months in Stalag 17B.

While in a German POW camp, he wrote this letter to his former Boy Scout troop, Troop 254 (Boy Scouts Troop 54/Troop 254 Chinese Baptist Church - Alumni & Friends). He wanted to encourage the scouts back home to do their best. The letter was published in a Seattle newspaper.

"Gobby" was an optimist and always looked for ways to encourage others. He did not let his POW confinement stop him.  We are proud of David "Gobby" Woo, our Founder.

"It's Not What Happens To You...It's What You Do About It"

NOTE:  "Honoring David H. Woo and Cathay Post #186" Photo Credit:

“Copyright Chinese American World War II Veterans Washington – The Legacy of Their World War II Service. Permission to reproduce this page granted by the Chinese American Citizens Alliance – Seattle.”



Nick Ragone (This Date in History) is an amazing story teller.  We thank him for making this short video about WWII soldier, Pvt Wing Hom's return home after 80 years.  This is a short 5 minute "Rest of the Story" of his amazing journey home.  Here's the link to this awesome YouTube video.


Please help us promote Evergreen Boys StateCathay Post #186 wants to sponsor an Evergreen Boys State delegate.  

The American Legion Evergreen Boys State program provides a relevant, interactive, problem-solving experience in leadership and teamwork that develops self-identity, promotes mutual respect and instills civic responsibility. This is accomplished through a mock-government built and led by the students in the program. Through the process, students can earn scholarships, meet new friends and develop new skills.

Evergreen Boys State is held from Sunday, June 16 through Saturday, June 22, 2024 at the Warm Beach Conference Center in Stanwood, Washington.

Cathay Post #186 is excited to sponsor a Evergreen Boys State delegate.  We will select a "rising senior" of the highest quality to ensure a successful Boys State session.   If you know a student that is interested, please tell them to check out the information posted at the Evergreen Boys State website at  Selection will be managed by our Scholarship Committee.   

Veterans Helping Veterans

Free "handyman" help for Cathay Post veterans and widows of former members on minor home repairs.  If you have any minor home repairs needs, please contact us for a free assessment.

We are NOT licensed, bonded or insured experts.  But we are willing to assist with minor installation of home safety devises such as hand rails, grab bars, change high ceiling light bulbs etc.

Pictured above is a recent project installing exterior handrails for U.S. Army veteran Warren Yee. 

Please email Adjutant Kent Wong if you have a potential project for our team.  Thanks.    

Veterans Helping Veterans! 

We Are "Foo Dogs" - Guardians & Protectors!

Cathay Post #186 members are "Guardians and Protectors" of AMERICAN VALUES and PATRIOTISM!  

Which means we advocate for upholding and defending the United States Constitution, equal justice and opportunity for everyone and discrimination against no one, youth education, responsible citizenship and honoring military service by observing and participating in memorial events.

Tax Deductible Donations

Cathay Post #186 is making a positive impact.  Here are a few examples:

You can help us achieve our mission with a tax-deductible donation.

To donate cash, you can send us a check made payable to "American Legion - Cathay Post #186".  If you want your gift used for a specific purpose by indicating that purpose either in the memo line or in a letter to us.

Contact us if you want to add a bequest in your Will.   We can help you include language in your will or trust specifying a gift be made to Cathay Post #186 as part of your estate plan.

Donations to American Legion Cathay Post #186 are Tax Deductible:

If you have any questions about donations, please contact Cathay Post Adjutant, Kent Wong. 

The Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics Act of 2022 (PACT Act) is the biggest expansion of Veteran health care and benefits in generations. VA encourages all eligible Veterans and survivors to file a claim — or submit their intent to file a claim — for PACT Act-related benefits now. If you notify VA of your intent to file before Aug. 10, 2023, you may be able to get retroactive payments to Aug. 10, 2022, when the PACT Act became law. Learn how to let VA know of your intent to file.  Go to:



The American Legion was chartered and incorporated by Congress in 1919 as a patriotic veterans organization devoted to mutual helpfulness. It is the nation's largest wartime veterans service organization, committed to mentoring youth and sponsorship of wholesome programs in our communities, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting strong national security, and continued devotion to our fellow service members and veterans.

The American Legion's success depends entirely on active membership, participation and volunteerism. The organization belongs to the people it serves and the communities in which it thrives.

If you have served at least one day of active military duty since

December 7, 1941 and were honorably discharged or you are still serving active military duty honorably, you are eligible for membership with The American Legion.

Come to our meeting and check us out.  If you want to join the Cathay Post #186, please contact Adjutant Kent Wong and he can sign you up.    

Let's make a difference in our Community, State and Nation.    

"Veterans Strengthening America"