

At the end of WWII, returning Chinese American veterans formed Cathay Post #186 because discrimination prevented them from joining existing Posts. Cathay Post provided an outlet for community and community service. Over the years, the Post has assisted needy veterans, marched in parades, and still conducts the annual Hing Hay Memorial Day ceremony. It has supported Kin On, The Wing Luke Museum, the Asian Resource Center, Chong Wa Benevolent Association, the Chinese Community Girls Drill Team, Children Christmas Party, Moon Festival, the New Year’s dinner and dance, and other community events and organizations.

“Cathay Post wasn’t just a group for veterans,” said Sue Mar, whose late father Dan Mar served as past commander of Cathay Post #186. “It really supported family, community, and youth. For me the future is continuing Cathay Post as a service for veterans because we really do have a lot of veterans coming from wars. There’s still a lot of military action going on now in the world. There are still a lot of wars going on now. There are probably a lot of vetreans of Chinese decent who might want to continue a program like Cathay Post. And one of the benefits that I see is that it could be another source to helping them to identify services that they might need as veterans like the GI bill or the VA programs, or retirement programs.”

This video was produced by the International Examiner, filmed by Tuyen Than, with support from the Seattle Department of Neighborhoods.

Special Thanks to:
Ron Chew, Project Coordinator
Travis Quezon, Grant Coordinator
Tuyen Than, Filmmaker
Debbie Louie, Researcher, Transcriber
Sue Mar, Researcher, Editor
Rick Wong, Videographer
Han Eckelberg, Videographer
Jacqueline Wu, Research, Archivist
Jenny Pham, Production Assistant
Vivian Nguyen, Production Assistant
Ryan Catabay, Production Assistant
Wing Luke Museum, Research Support
Bob Fisher, Production Assistant
Vivian Chan, Production Assistant

We are Foo Dogs - Guardians & Protectors!

Cathay Post #186 members are "Guardians and Protectors" of AMERICAN VALUES and PATRIOTISM!  

Which means we advocate for upholding and defending the United States Constitution, equal justice and opportunity for everyone, discrimination against no one, youth education, responsible citizenship and honoring military service by observing and participating in memorial events.

Current Leadership

Gerald Chang


Kent Wong


Darsie Dela-Cruz

Finance Officer

Tony Chinn

Sergeant at Arms

Robert Dela-Cruz

First Vice Commander

Erin Potter

Second Vice Commander

Frank Gregory


Charter Members Recognition

"If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you'll never get it done."

-Bruce Lee

David H. Woo

James H. Mar

George Louie

Poy N. Woo

Yuen P. Toy

Charles Faun Wong

Daniel Woo

Howard H. Mar

Harry T. Chinn

Joe Chinn

Bock F. Woo

Richard Young

Henry T. Chinn

David W. Chinn

Past Commanders

"A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others."

-General MacArthur

David H. Woo - 1945-1946

James H. Mar - 1947

Henry S. Luke - 1948

Jack H. Pang - 1949

Charles H. Louie - 1950

William I. Sing - 1951

Dan K. Mar - 1952

James S. Luke - 1953

Henry K.W. Chinn - 1954

Harold W. Benoit - 1955

Raymond T. Lew - 1956

Allen Claiborne - 1957

Joe Tsujimoto - 1958

Henry K.W. Chinn - 1959

Winston J. Lung - 1960

John H. Uno - 1961

Williams L. Chin - 1962-1963

Takeshi Shigihara - 1964

Phillip S. Brown - 1965-1966

T. Jack Uno - 1967-1968

Kay K. Toda - 1969

David E. King - 1970

Richard Lew Kay - 1971

Edward Yip - 1972-1973

David E. King - 1974

Jack H. Pang - 1975

Raymond T. Lew - 1976

William L. Wing - 1977-1978

George H. Back - 1979-1980

Frank Y. Luke - 1981

David Symington - 1982

T. Jack Uno - 1983-1984

David E. King - 1985

Calvin J. Fung - 1986-1987

James F.J. Chinn - 1988-1989

T. Jack Uno - 1990

Arthur A. Susumi - 1991-1992

Dennis Dimico - 1993

Robert Gamrath - 1994-1995

Lloyd H. Hara - 1996-1997

Terrance Nicholas - 1998-1999

Haydon Mar - 2020-2024